
Hi, I'm Mei and I am no ugly duckling  but neither am I a beautiful swan. I've experience rejection a couple (okay, a million) of times in my teenage years because of several reasons. I was not the typical type of girl; I was not conscious, never conscious with the way I look. I was even one of the boys, but not really boyish. But if I were a boy, I'd choose other girls. Maybe one of the reasons would be because of my canine teeth, fangs, pangil in Filipino or bangkil in Cebuano. I was often teased "Balawis""Bangkilan" or Vampire. Yeah, I cried. But I realized nothing's gonna happen with my self pity. I eventually laughed it off and often made myself a laughing stock, but I was hurt no more. I actually thanked these fangs, because they made me a better me.
I'm now a wife and a mother. Who said I couldn't make a man cry? But meeting my prince charming and having my own family made me lose myself more. I did not care of how I look and until now, I'm not really self conscious. Until, I felt I had to LOVE myself in order to continue loving others. Thus, in 2010 I first c0lored my hair, cut it short and was always cutting it since (now, I'm having trouble making it grow fast). I never went out without make-up, so that I always look presentable.
But just last month I resigned. And now I'm back to not taking care of myself, not even plucking my eyebrows or looking at the mirror. And my mother is teasing me because I'm getting fatter. And I'm into reselling cosmetics and just signed up for a subscription for a BDJ Box.   That's why I decided to start this blog. And so that I can inspire myself and others and even mothers to look good, stay sexy and feel beautiful inside and out. How's that?
Here's an inspiration for myself, how I hope I would get this body back...:)
I hope you will help and join me in this journey of becoming a perfectly imperfect MEI.


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